Sunday, June 11, 2006

Nil pada catatan seorang pengembara

The Egyptian Nile surpasses all rivers of the earth in sweetness of taste, length of course, and utility. No other river in the world can show such a continous series of towns and villages along its banks, or a basin so intensely cultivated.
Its course is from south to north , contrary to all the other [great] rivers. One extraordinary thing about it is that it begins to rise in the extreme hot weather, at the time when rivers generally diminish and dry up, and begins to flow.
The inhabitants of every township have canals led off the nile; these are filled whe the river is in flood and carry the water over the fields.

-Adopted from Selection from the "Travels of Ibn Battuta"-by H.A.R Gibb (mamat nie 'pilih' ikut selera dia)

Ini gambaran Ibn Battutah terhadap keindahan Nil lebih kurang 681 tahun yang lalu. Species schistosoma tak jumpa lagi masa tue... hihi..
